The State Of The Blog

So, dear readers, I am asking for your advice, networking, and questions, and I’m going to throw it all into one post.

1. Do you read a magazine/website/anthology/whatever where my writing would fit? I want some quick credits to put in a book proposal, but slow responding markets that give me mad writer cred are cool too. Let me know where you want to see my writing.

2. Sex website people… I’ve been doing these vibrator reviews. They’re pretty fun. Soon they’re going to be appearing on another site (or two), but I’d like to get them on even more. Hobo Stripper Sex Toy Reviews. Like Dan Savage, my vibe reviews are so awesome I want them to be on every sex website out there. Free content for you, exposure for me. Email ( or leave a comment.

3. Like Dan Savage again (haha), I’m going to start a weekly advice column. Ask me a question about van dwelling, sex work, herbs, sex, feminism, living, whatever, and I will answer it, once a week. Email your question to, or leave it in a comment here.


  1. so besides the obvious, MS. magazine, there’s a sex worker magazine called $pread. both of those are appropriate as well as their web versions. there’s a great anthologie i just bought, and i don’t know if there’ll be another one, but either way, you should check out the book “whores and other feminists” by Jill Nagle. it’s all these great pioneer sex worker feminists. anyway, love the blog, please keep it going, and i wish you all the best.

  2. have you seen Spread magazine? sometimes called $pread? it’s a mag by and for sex workers.

  3. I’m one of the editors of Rude Magazine, the official magazine of

    I would absolutely love to feature your toy reviews. Unfortunately, we are not able to pay contributors at this time; however, I’m pretty sure that I can link your site to give you credit.

  4. Book proposal yay!! I’ve wanted you to write a book for a long time. I sent you that call for sex worker stories a while back but I haven’t seen anything since. I’ll keep my eye out for you. Oh I so hope you publish a book.

  5. I had (well it’s still up but it’s been dormant for a while as none of my writers have had time to contribute) a blog with several authors that was just about sex. We all tried to put up a post each per month to keep the content fresh and everything was a bout sex from a woman’s POV.

    If you wanted yet another outlet for your reviews we’d love to have you there, though we really don’t have a reader base anymore. I keep hoping we could get some new people in to perks things up again but I don’t even know who to ask anymore.

    Anyway, if you’re interested, I can set you up on account on the blog and you can join us whenever you like. The blog is located at

  6. Your take is alternative enough that you should probably approach Girls Like Us. They’re this art-punk lesbian culture mag, really interesting take, very high brow, indie, arty aesthetic.
    No that you’re gay. But you’re out there, vanning around, toughing it, working in the sex industry… I could see it working.

    Stay amazing!

  7. I love BUST. I love you in the same way. You should submit something.. or write to them and see what happens.

  8. Tara, most of the literary journals would love your stuff. FriGG is great for short pieces, Thieves Jargon would love some of your stripper stories, Smokelong Quarterly(where I was recently published) would be a good place for your under 1000wc stuff.

    Go to Duotrope and you can search to your hearts content by all sorts of variables. Over 2000 markets out there.

    Join us on Zoetrope. That’s where I’m doing most of my workshopping these days and many of the best editors hang out there. I’ll be happy to introduce you around. I was here looking for your piece on your friend who thought she wanted to go to Hawaii to link over there on a thread.

  9. Brilliant….

    Hey, if we happen to know each other already from my time in Juneau, Bellingham, or on the road…it won’t surprise me.

    Anyway, a reader of my blog at sent me a link to your blog and said this “Hey Chris, maybe she likes buddhists.” Well maybe you do.

    Travel well, if we aren’t friends already…it seems inevitable that we should be.


    Chris Damitio

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