I fixed it

I’m gonna fix it more later, but in the meantime if you see anything out of wack (besides the obvious sidebar stuff and about page pic), please let me know.


  1. Oooh. Haven’t found anything to tick just yet; but I ordered Dreaming the Dark, as well as two Peterson’s Field Guides (Eastern Coast Medicinal Herbs and Edible Plants!) and I’m making a Mountain Rose Herbs purchase of teas and catnip in bulk, as well as seeds (for my kitteh); and this intriguing medicinal herbs garden seeds “starter kit.” I’m freakin’ psyched. Oh, and Susun Weed called me at home last week in regards to a program I’m going to later this summer. I was giddy like a fawning, star-struck, movie star fan. Her voice and timbre is strikes me like the kindly old crone I want to grow up to be.

    Anyway, this little note is a thank you of sorts. If you come to Florida, my driveway is yours; and you can come help save some wayward baby turtles with me from the seaweed wrack that’s washed about 15 miles off-course.
    (Not teaching anymore.)

    Cheers, lady.

  2. I just wanted to let you know that I read Ishmael and loved it. I wouldn’t say it changed my life, because I already held most of the beliefs presented in the novel, but I thought it was well-written, well-researched, and completely worth my time. I’m recommending it to friends.

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