Audacia Ray, who is one of the most fascinating and accomplished women on the internet, has a new video blog. Video, can you imagine? Anyways, she reviewed me today, and you can watch it by clicking here.
Just another WordPress weblog
Audacia Ray, who is one of the most fascinating and accomplished women on the internet, has a new video blog. Video, can you imagine? Anyways, she reviewed me today, and you can watch it by clicking here.
well whoever she may be, she didn’t do it justice honey. your blog is WAY more and way better than she made it sound. BUT , great publicity! You are famous!!
Neato – video! What an idea!
Nice review.
***gazing into my crystal ball***, What’s that I see? Why, it’s a video screen popping up on HS. 😆
whoa! my friend just told me to read her book! congrats!!!