On the road again!

After a week of school I quickly reverted to my previous sleeping habits and slept till noon. Then I had some crates and water bottles to set up, laundry to do at my mom’s, stuff like that. We watched a movie, “Catch Me If You Can,” about this kid who runs away from home and… Continue reading On the road again!

Categorized as Van Living

Winter. Van. Alaska.

People keep asking what I’m gonna do in my van when it’s forty below. The truth is, I’m a plan-as-I-go sort of person. In other words: I dunno. This is what I do know: I’ve been in the van down to twenty below before, but just for a couple weeks, and been fine. Also, when… Continue reading Winter. Van. Alaska.

Categorized as Van Living

Hobo's I have loved, v.2

“Hello,” my mother said, staring down at Missy. “You probably don’t know me, but I’m Tara’s mother. She seems to hang out here quite a bit, and I’m trying to locate her.” “Hmmm…” Missy drew it out. “What does she look like?” My mother gave a military description of me. “I dunno man, I’ve been… Continue reading Hobo's I have loved, v.2

Categorized as Van Living