The number one most very important thing you need to get through the winter warm and happy in your van is down. You need a few good down comforters (like this one). I layered mine and then shoved them all into a fancy duvet cover that my aunt gave me so that it’s like one… Continue reading Winter VanDwelling: The Most Important Thing
Category: Van Living
Lately I can’t find the right place to sleep, and I end up circling the town a few times before I can make up my mind. I’m not sure if this means that I’ve been here too long or that I should stay, but the other day someone compared my midnight loops to the way… Continue reading Levitating
Living With Intention
“The road just seems to call, it’s like an old time friend… needs a little visit now and then.” –Susan Grace I think this is the main reason that I choose to live alone and on the road. When I’m on the road, in a new place, I wake up every morning and weave the… Continue reading Living With Intention
My Van Dwelling Forefather
I have discovered my van dwelling forefather on the internet. He travelled the country in vans and a bus for years and years, developing a spiritual and social life philosophy, and then settled down somewhere in the back woods of Texas. Just like me, except that when I settle in it’ll be in Alaska. I’m… Continue reading My Van Dwelling Forefather
So I'm gone, which means I'm here.
My van has new shocks now and rear differential fluid and I’m back in the little big city, sipping tequila at my sister’s house gossiping about crackheads and their children. Maybe I shouldn’t drive, and luckily I can seep in her driveway and the van can be plugged in all night long. My feather bed’s… Continue reading So I'm gone, which means I'm here.
Stories From The Road: "Well, you don't look exceedingly rich…"
Last weekend while my mother’s husband and I were replacing my alternator he found my oil leak: two lines that went from the block above the filter to an oil cooler thingy beside the radiator. Which was really good, because ever since the last time I changed my oil a couple weeks ago the van… Continue reading Stories From The Road: "Well, you don't look exceedingly rich…"
Five below and all's well in the vanhold
The alarm in my phone goes off at six fifteen because I have to be at school at seven thirty. I am buried under layers of down piled snug against the ceiling. It was a major effort last night to wedge myself between the blankets and the bed. I reach out for my phone, still… Continue reading Five below and all's well in the vanhold
I leave town under cover of night, as usual. It’s only seven, but it’s already been dark for hours. Every day the newspapers report the daylight hours, and any time I talk to my mom she passes it on to me: there were 5 hours and 42 minutes of daylight. At first there are little… Continue reading driving
I’m really bad at making up my mind. This may be why I live in a van, because I can’t make up my mind to commit to any place or life. I want them all. Today I woke up and it was raining. I wanted to run on the beach. I did not want to… Continue reading Decisions.
Harvest Moontime
Harvest moon. Cramps. Can’t sleep. That about sums it up. It’s six in the morning, the moon is huge and orange, and I’m crouching in the front seat of the van watching Bro sleep on the bed. I take Ginger and Cranberry Bark tinctures for my owie tummy, and it helps but I’m still wide… Continue reading Harvest Moontime