
Lately I can’t find the right place to sleep, and I end up circling the town a few times before I can make up my mind. I’m not sure if this means that I’ve been here too long or that I should stay, but the other day someone compared my midnight loops to the way… Continue reading Levitating

Stories From The Road: "Well, you don't look exceedingly rich…"

Last weekend while my mother’s husband and I were replacing my alternator he found my oil leak: two lines that went from the block above the filter to an oil cooler thingy beside the radiator. Which was really good, because ever since the last time I changed my oil a couple weeks ago the van… Continue reading Stories From The Road: "Well, you don't look exceedingly rich…"


I leave town under cover of night, as usual. It’s only seven, but it’s already been dark for hours. Every day the newspapers report the daylight hours, and any time I talk to my mom she passes it on to me: there were 5 hours and 42 minutes of daylight. At first there are little… Continue reading driving


I’m really bad at making up my mind. This may be why I live in a van, because I can’t make up my mind to commit to any place or life. I want them all. Today I woke up and it was raining. I wanted to run on the beach. I did not want to… Continue reading Decisions.