I fixed it

I’m gonna fix it more later, but in the meantime if you see anything out of wack (besides the obvious sidebar stuff and about page pic), please let me know.


It seems like the whole world is in Asheville, so I’m gonna broadcast this: If you’re in Asheville and wanna meet me, email me or something.

Davka's Mom

is awake and off life support. They are worried about brain damage. Please keep sending whatever goodness you believe in.

Awesome YouTube

John and Rose Nomads live in a van, and have been for twenty something years. Check it out. (I am so youtube motivated now. I wanna make a vid of the inside of my van, which will be awkward and bumpy cause my webcam is built into the laptop.)

The Internet's Broken

Seriously. I did all this work – well, actually, the mysterious admin did a LOT of work and figured out the problem. I just changed the theme and tried to bring back the sidebars. But now the sidebars are broken again and I don’t understand why. So I’m going to walk in the rain with… Continue reading The Internet's Broken


I always get this rush from leaving. Even if it’s a good place, and this is. It takes a while to get my shit together and pull out. My stove is set up in a garage-barn where Possum put it when he fixed it (turns out a little spider next can cause a big stove… Continue reading Leaving