I tried to count the strip clubs I’d worked at the other day, but had to settle for counting states. I got confused and stopped counting around twenty eight. Some are states where I’ve danced in every club, and others just one. All the clubs are so different, but they mostly fall into these two… Continue reading Stripping: Lap Dance Clubs vs Champagne Room Clubs
Category: Uncategorized
John Nomads is on You Tube
Check it out! Poke around a little, too. There’s a video of Kate’s van, and of Bobby taking care of Mutt.
In Which I Get The Hell Out
After a few days of hanging out with the most awesome people ever in this big scary city and not really making much money I start to see how people end up staying here forever. I love it. The animal cops leave a note on my windshield while I’m sleeping saying that it’s illegal for… Continue reading In Which I Get The Hell Out
Picture Of The Week: Van Love
I think this is my favorite picture. I’m wearing the knife that Katie gave me around my neck, Bro’s being all snuggly, and you can see my bed and the dulcimer and stuff behind me. Someday when I am old and settled, I’ll look at this picture and ramble about the days I lived in… Continue reading Picture Of The Week: Van Love
Masturbation and Selfhood
I’ve said a gazillion times how important it is to be centered and know yourself and your boundaries intimately, as a stripper, but also as any kind of sex worker or woman or person. The best way to be in touch with yourself is, literally, to touch yourself. Touch your whole body every morning, from… Continue reading Masturbation and Selfhood
In Which I Win!
Driving towards the big city I start to get scared when the road goes from two lanes to seven. What was I thinking? I pull off at an exit with a mall and sit in a coffee shop parking lot, watching people. Big city people. Men with pressed khaki pants and women with imperfectly applied,… Continue reading In Which I Win!
Where now? Ladies, fill me in on your city.
I’m definitely fired. Either because I’m a dirty hippie who lives in a van (even tho I so denied), or because the owner doesn’t like my aura, or because the owners girlfriend thinks I’m fat (tho there are much bigger women there, so I don’t really buy that). I think I probably bitched too much… Continue reading Where now? Ladies, fill me in on your city.
Selling out
I came here intending to work three or four weeks and make enough money to go back to Alaska and buy some land. I was going to be practical and buy land someplace near a road, so that I could drive to a town and work, probably to pay off the rest of the land,… Continue reading Selling out
Random Stripping Tips
Garters Know what? You don’t really have to pay five dollars each for a red garter, a black garter, a white garter, a blue garter, etc. You can go to WalMart and buy a whole pack of headbands (the ones that are for babies, tho they don’t usually say so) of all different colors for… Continue reading Random Stripping Tips
Book Review: The Story of B, by Daniel Quinn
(First, read Ishmael and My Ishmael.) This book is the best of the trilogy, but I think it’s better to read the other two first (even though this one is supposed to be in the middle). Jared is a Laurentian priest. He has a small life where everything makes sense, you know? He’s average in… Continue reading Book Review: The Story of B, by Daniel Quinn