Craziest link to me ever

This has to be the craziest link to me ever. She’s some kinda serious patriarchal monothiest, and she’s writing a post explaining that “wanking is bad.” As evidence of this she quotes what I said about masturbation a while back and then explains that masturbation is bad because condoms lead to casual sex. Also, it’s… Continue reading Craziest link to me ever

I didn't even like comics…

…until the first time I went to Stephanie McMillans page, Minimum Security. These are anti-civ comics at their finest, or maybe at their only. Everything she writes (draws?) is so true, awesomely sarcastic, and funny at the same time. The first time I clicked, she had great stuff about polar bears and Alaska and salmon.… Continue reading I didn't even like comics…

Pictures Of The Last Few Days

(Ahem. Ladies and Gentlemen who may be at work at, say, a Catholic school or something: there follow some pictures of breasts, among other things. You may not want to scroll down until you go home or otherwise free yourself of such strict wage slavery.) Look, it’s like bunk beds: Dinner for two: Cross reference… Continue reading Pictures Of The Last Few Days

The State Of The Blog

So, dear readers, I am asking for your advice, networking, and questions, and I’m going to throw it all into one post. 1. Do you read a magazine/website/anthology/whatever where my writing would fit? I want some quick credits to put in a book proposal, but slow responding markets that give me mad writer cred are… Continue reading The State Of The Blog

Where I am…

Where I am a girl got fired last week for selling bad coke. Would it have been okay if it was good coke, I asked the manager. The sugar was the problem, she explained to me. The girl had sold him a five first, and it was baby powder. The guy went out and did… Continue reading Where I am…