Tis The Season

It’s about that time. People are about to start buying each other things. It’s crazy. I get tons of things I’d never consider using, and I’ll also buy some useless shit in order to exchange what I hope passes for good vibes with people who live in an entirely different world than me. I mean,… Continue reading Tis The Season


I just wanna tell y’all that school is totally nuts. It’s like stepping into another world, which is constantly changing and never makes sense, and this is what these kids grow up with thirty something hours a week. First is the fun part. I get to take two sweet little kids and practice making letters… Continue reading School

Stripping has ruined me for the real world

“This is Susie Smith, she’s Jimmy’s mom,” my mom says. “Susie, this is my daughter Tara, she’s going to be subbing for a while.” “Hi Susie,” I say. “You’ve raised a great kid. Jimmy was a big help when I was here a couple weeks ago.” See, I imagine that there are social rules, and… Continue reading Stripping has ruined me for the real world


I leave town under cover of night, as usual. It’s only seven, but it’s already been dark for hours. Every day the newspapers report the daylight hours, and any time I talk to my mom she passes it on to me: there were 5 hours and 42 minutes of daylight. At first there are little… Continue reading driving


I would like to write something really awesome for you guys, but my brain is empty. I’ve been visiting a friend who’s not feeling well, I’ve gotten a little sick myself, and all the concrete and television has gotten to me. My head is a big ball of fuzz. No worries tho, I’m on my… Continue reading nothing

Happy birthday, me.

At midnight it’s my birthday, but I don’t notice until Porcelain sneaks up and gives me a birthday spanking, and we all end up giggling on the couch in front of the fake fire. I’m twenty six now. As usual I remember the asshole judge who told me that kids like me died before we… Continue reading Happy birthday, me.

random thoughts from the dressing room at midnight

I’m writing this from a strip club dressing room, where I sit cross legged in a plastic lawn chair, wearing a black pleather corseted naughty nurse dress with red accents, a gaudy rhinestone necklace, thigh high black fishnets, and a pair of flip flops. There are no customers, and has only been one so far.… Continue reading random thoughts from the dressing room at midnight


I’m really bad at making up my mind. This may be why I live in a van, because I can’t make up my mind to commit to any place or life. I want them all. Today I woke up and it was raining. I wanted to run on the beach. I did not want to… Continue reading Decisions.