Strippers I have loved, v3

I heard about her before I met her in this little falling apart club in the middle of nowhere. “Careful, she’s a lesbian,” the local strippers said, and I didn’t bother to mention that I was too. “Careful, her girlfriend is HIV+ and she refuses to believe she can get HIV from oral sex. She… Continue reading Strippers I have loved, v3

Categorized as Stripping

These are our rituals.

I have a text inbox full of license plate numbers. “Heading out with AK XYZ123” “John Brown, OR ABC987” “Going fishing with Bob, AK BIGDOG” “Tom, NY ABC456, going to dinner” We shouldn’t meet customers outside of the club, and mostly most of us don’t. It devalues the services we provide inside the club (unless… Continue reading These are our rituals.

the down side

“Tara!” Angel hissed, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the bathroom. Her brows knotted together and she nodded her head at the door dramatically. I put my head to the door and could barely hear raised voices through the steady thuds of the heavy metal playing in the club. I pushed the door open… Continue reading the down side

Categorized as Stripping

Stripper forever!

I realize I’ve bitched about a couple customers and maybe been a little negative lately. I really love dancing, and when I bitch about bad customers it’s because they’re so different from the customers I’m accustomed to. I hope no one’s gotten any other impression. I love almost everything about dancing. There’s the practical stuff,… Continue reading Stripper forever!

How Tara got her groove back + why are people assholes?

All summer I’ve been watching people around me making money and I just… haven’t been. There’s this little magical thing that just has to be there for the money to come – people call it sales, closed ended questions, confidence, good make-up, etc, but really it just is what it is. And I’ve been lacking… Continue reading How Tara got her groove back + why are people assholes?