Hot Springs Eternal

It’s one in the morning when we get to the hot springs and the hitch hikers have been asleep for hours. This is the perfect hot spring time, because it’s free. There’s a booth when you pull into the hot springs, and sometimes there’s someone there charging you and sometimes there’s not. Late nights are… Continue reading Hot Springs Eternal

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I am posting an ad on the internet, trying to manifest the perfect person that I want to hang out with in this city. I picture it going out into the world, floating through the air on wifi signals, and bumping them in the head. Then they pick up their phone and call me. Yes,… Continue reading Irony

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Hobos I have loved, v.4

We were driving through Montana in the bus when I saw him coming down out of a hill ahead of us. It was a pretty steep hill, and he was using his walking stick to keep upright, a big canvas pack on his back. The pack was what caught my attention. It was one of… Continue reading Hobos I have loved, v.4

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