Best Breakfast Ever

1 big glob of yoghurt
1 chopped up bananna
1 tablespoon home canned wild picked Alaskan bluberries
some blueberry juice
1 big handful cacao nibs
1 big handful flax seeds


  1. Oh man! I was doing really well tonight with my resolve not to snack right before bed, but that sounds soooo goood.
    My strange new fave yogurt combo is goat yogurt (i don’t do cow dairy) with ginger jam, cinnamon, cardamom, and turmeric, maybe even a little cayenne if i’m feeling saucy. The warming spices are a delicious complement to the coolness of the yogurt!

  2. My favorite way to have (soy) yogurt is with honey (or agave necter, depending on how vegan-dedicated I’m feeling), grapenuts, wheat germ, and nutritional yeast.

  3. YUM!! YUM!!
    I need to go out and get me somma them cacao nibs asap.
    Misstasty’s yogurt recipe sounds good too. I’m into the goat’s milk yogurt too, it’s really good.

  4. I’ll have to try the goat’s milk yogurt. Ima make another purchase from Amazon and Mountain Rose Herbs pretty soon–linked through you, of course. I’ll have to give those cocoa nibs a try. :mrgreen:

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