Materia Medica: Poplar

Last year I was driving north through Canada, disappointed that I’d missed poplar budding season in Alaska, when I pulled over in the mountains and found a whole stand of baby poplar trees by a little stream that were just starting to bud. I spent two or three hours there picking the buds, sliding into… Continue reading Materia Medica: Poplar

Categorized as Wild Food

Craziest link to me ever

This has to be the craziest link to me ever. She’s some kinda serious patriarchal monothiest, and she’s writing a post explaining that “wanking is bad.” As evidence of this she quotes what I said about masturbation a while back and then explains that masturbation is bad because condoms lead to casual sex. Also, it’s… Continue reading Craziest link to me ever

Davka's New Van

Davka has the van I wish I’d been living in for the last two years instead of this Astro. It’s an Econoline 150 with the 4.9. Practically the same gas mileage I get with way more space. She got it from a guy who got it from a guy who lived in it when he… Continue reading Davka's New Van

I didn't even like comics…

…until the first time I went to Stephanie McMillans page, Minimum Security. These are anti-civ comics at their finest, or maybe at their only. Everything she writes (draws?) is so true, awesomely sarcastic, and funny at the same time. The first time I clicked, she had great stuff about polar bears and Alaska and salmon.… Continue reading I didn't even like comics…

The Whore Diaries

“Aw,” She says. “Poor baby girl, you’ve worked yourself half to death.” “Mmhmm,” I nod sleepily, I have worked every day since I got to Alaska. It’s noon and I have to get up, even though I just got here and fell asleep in the driveway a few hours ago. Healer heard my alarm going… Continue reading The Whore Diaries

Forever Dancing

“I think that’s the number one most valuable life skill, running,” I say as I flop down on her bed. She’s a stripper from the rain forest who came to Alaska to get away from an abusive man, but now she wants to go back. I’m proud of her for running at all. So many… Continue reading Forever Dancing

Pictures Of The Last Few Days

(Ahem. Ladies and Gentlemen who may be at work at, say, a Catholic school or something: there follow some pictures of breasts, among other things. You may not want to scroll down until you go home or otherwise free yourself of such strict wage slavery.) Look, it’s like bunk beds: Dinner for two: Cross reference… Continue reading Pictures Of The Last Few Days