Vibe Review: Feeldoe

“Holy shit,” she says, staring as I dump my stuff sack of sex toys out on the bed. Shiny sleek silicone, gummy plastics, pleather cuffs, and silver bullets tumble across the red quilt. “I told you,” I smile. “They send me lots of vibrators.” She nods and we both strip naked. We are last summer’s… Continue reading Vibe Review: Feeldoe


All over the country, strippers are sleeping in cars, vans, jeeps… and a bookmobile!! Ashton has done really awesomely creative and successful things in the sex industry, so this promises to be a very cool bookmobile.


Katie taught me The First Thing You See. When I’m on the road, I stop and sleep in beautiful places. These are some of the first things I’ve seen upon waking up. Out the other window: Cultural exploitation at it’s worst: (This photo can be viewed in person at Wal Mikes on the Parks Highway.)… Continue reading Pics!

Categorized as Pictures!


Life has been happening faster than I can process (or write) it. There’s a lot to write about, but I don’t know how much of it I want to write – lately I feel even more private about my life than I have before. My brakes got stuck on, tho, and I changed them. It… Continue reading Update


So, I got this nifty award from Jack at Adventures in Voluntary Simplicity for being brilliant: And this one from Grace, of Grace Undressed: I am not sure what this one means, except that it’s pretty and sort of angelic looking. Grace and Jack both have very awesome blogs that you guys should check out.  Grace… Continue reading Awards

Interview With My Mom

If you’ve been reading a while, you remember the interviews with my mom from last summer.  They’re seasonal, like my contact with her.  Anyways, if you missed them before, click here to get to them. So tell me about the time when we were out on trapline and dad broke his back? He didn’t break… Continue reading Interview With My Mom

Lost my phone…

I lost my phone while rolling down grassy hills and stuffs.  So if you’re trying to call me, try email instead.  And if I used to have your number, I don’t now…

Strip Club Reviews

A long time ago, back in the dark ages of stripping, there used to be a review site. It was an incredible resource. Every time I would get ready to go to a new club, I’d click on the potential clubs and read all the reviews. It made me feel like I knew what was… Continue reading Strip Club Reviews


If any woman, anywhere in the world, hears footfalls behind her on a darkened street, she has reason to be afraid. Robin Morgan called that the democracy of fear under patriarchy. – Derrick Jensen Lona is becoming a woman, and my motherly friend has been instructing her in all the necessary things. Make up, clothes,… Continue reading Violence