There’s this guy, we’ll call him John. Last year John was one of my favorite customers. He was a little lonely and starved for touch. John would talk about how his dog was the only one who would snuggle with him and he begged to give me foot rubs. Every time he came into the… Continue reading The end of a good customer.
Author: admin
Girls love dirt and streams
We were supposed to leave at six, right when she got off work, but you know how it is. By the time we’d packed the pack, repacked the pack, and figured out who was carrying what it wasn’t anywhere near six anymore. It didn’t matter. It’s not like it’s been getting dark or anything. Then… Continue reading Girls love dirt and streams
I'll be gone for a minute…
I’m headed up a mountain. I’ll be back and post something really really awesome on Thursday, so be sure to check back then. In the meantime, look to your left. Have you noticed those articles over there? The best, most informative and interesting Hobo Stripper posts are all lined up and linked to for your… Continue reading I'll be gone for a minute…
I love dirt. A prostitute once told me, when we were camping along the river with babies, that dirt is like sex. People are disgusted or afraid of it, but really we are born from it. When I was a kid we used to go once a week to the laundromat for a shower. We… Continue reading dirt
Little miracles
Today I saw a quote in a bookstore that said There are two ways to live your life. One as though nothing is a miracle. The other as though everything is. I want to write it on a pretty piece of paper and tape it to my ceiling. I also saw an amazing collage-ish thing… Continue reading Little miracles
roadside pictures
First, for everyone who’s worried about finding a place to park for the night in Alaska. I took this picture at one of those little roadside pull-offs: Driving into the fire… look at the sky: It was a flowery kind of day… Look at these roses! They’re taller than me. See these purple flowers? They… Continue reading roadside pictures
Reason #382 I love being a stripper.
Tonight started out slow, and it stayed that way. There were three more new girls. I did four dances all night long, and by the time last call arrived I was sooo ready to hole up in the van with a good book and go to sleep. Of course there’s this thing between last call… Continue reading Reason #382 I love being a stripper.
The Hobo Stripper Guide to Scoping a New Town
My mom and her husband are talking about spending some time in an RV or van when they retire. The other day my mom asked me how to scope out a new town (and lemme tell you, she was shocked to learn that Laundromats in the lower 48 don’t have showers). The first thing I… Continue reading The Hobo Stripper Guide to Scoping a New Town
crazy in the strip club
If you’ve been reading for a while, you may have noticed that I have a strange affinity for people who’s perceptions of reality are, well, different from the majority’s. Delusional, schizophrenic, psychotic. Whatever, we’ll just call them crazy and mean it in the most affectionate way. Here in Alaska, and especially at this little club,… Continue reading crazy in the strip club
Happy (early) Solstice!
I’m always so pleasantly shocked that the world keeps turning. You’d think I’d be used it by now, but I still wake up in the middle of the night afraid that the sun is never coming back and stay up all night waiting for it. Every morning when the sun comes up and every summer… Continue reading Happy (early) Solstice!