This is what I love. Alaska is a land of rivers. Everyplace you go is on a river, and when we talk the geography of our lives, we talk rivers. Here is the little cabin I found and stayed in for a few days: I found this little pool and I put hot rocks off… Continue reading What I love
Author: admin
Omens II
I pull over at the closest pull out to the mile marker he mentioned and poke around a bit. I can’t find the trial he described, but there is a little animal trail. I follow it down the steep mossy bank, slipping and sliding but managing to keep my feet under me. At the bottom… Continue reading Omens II
Read this
When the road turned from pavement to dirt an owl launched from a tree near the road and flew in front of me. It was that dusky time that’s just starting to happen around eleven at night in northern Alaska, and my eyes were tired from the past day of driving. I leaned forward and… Continue reading Omen
Strippers I have loved, v3
I heard about her before I met her in this little falling apart club in the middle of nowhere. “Careful, she’s a lesbian,” the local strippers said, and I didn’t bother to mention that I was too. “Careful, her girlfriend is HIV+ and she refuses to believe she can get HIV from oral sex. She… Continue reading Strippers I have loved, v3
I met Jesus in a truckstop.
Once upon a time Shamana Flora and I were camping in this beautiful canyon way up in the sky in New Mexico. We woke up one morning to find everything covered in a few inches of snow, and more still falling. It was beautiful, but after a while we started to think that we’d better… Continue reading I met Jesus in a truckstop.
Alaskans I have loved, v1
The first time I met him was my first night back at my favorite titty bar in the whole damn state. “Don’t bother getting out your hustle. I’m furniture around here.†That was the first thing he said to me. I’d heard those kinds of lines from guys all over the country who thought they… Continue reading Alaskans I have loved, v1
Healthy hobo food.
When people find out I live in a van they always ask, “do you mostly eat at restaurants?” It comes up on the VanDwellers list all the time, too. Why spend all that time, money, and energy (goodness, don’t forget the energy!) making food when you can get a half pound bean and cheese burrito… Continue reading Healthy hobo food.
Late night in a strip mall parking lot
I talked to my little sister last night. She said my blog reads like fiction. “Well, think of it more like an autobiography,” I explained. “But it’s NOT like an autobiography,” she told me. “An autobiography is like, first I went here, then I did this. Your blog is like, then I went to mars… Continue reading Late night in a strip mall parking lot
These are our rituals.
I have a text inbox full of license plate numbers. “Heading out with AK XYZ123” “John Brown, OR ABC987” “Going fishing with Bob, AK BIGDOG” “Tom, NY ABC456, going to dinner” We shouldn’t meet customers outside of the club, and mostly most of us don’t. It devalues the services we provide inside the club (unless… Continue reading These are our rituals.