Hobo's I have loved, v.1

It was hot, too hot for sleeping and too early to be awake. I rolled over. My girlfriend was still sleeping beside me, and Bro had abandoned us for the shade in his crate under the bed. I pulled aside the burlap curtain, hoping to let in a breeze. Instead I found a man holding… Continue reading Hobo's I have loved, v.1

Categorized as Van Living

The Polar Bears are Dying. Don't Worry, There's Nothing We Can Do Anyway.

At least in Alaska this makes front page news. In the lower forty eight it gets tucked away on the back page, “oh yeah, and the planet is about to be cooked alive along with all of us who live on it. But that’s not very interesting, so go back to the front page and… Continue reading The Polar Bears are Dying. Don't Worry, There's Nothing We Can Do Anyway.

I went to work!

It’s been like a month since I’ve worked. I’m surrounded by very industrious full time working people. My sister even works more than full time and goes to college more than full time. When my mom called me the other day and said, “oh, you answered. I thought you’d be at work.” I started to… Continue reading I went to work!

Categorized as Stripping

the state of the vanhold

All these little things happen. Nothing big enough for a whole post, but little things. Bro threw up on my 12v frying pan. It was yucky puke and it went all down in the electrical housing. I just threw it out. I was on my way to the big scary city and I figured I… Continue reading the state of the vanhold

Categorized as Van Living