Life in tidbits

I slept in a house last night. It was weird. I got up really super early after just a few hours of sleep (well, five hours, but it felt like two hours) and my sister and I made a thanksgiving dinner for my mom’s birthday. This is how tired I was: my sister asked me… Continue reading Life in tidbits

Who are you guys?

Some of you get here following links from other blogs, or you know me in real life or through friends or online. A lot of people get here through google “how to live in a van,” “how to shave pussy like a stripper,” “hobo sex,” “stripper pee live,” “change water pump,” “nettles allergies,” or the… Continue reading Who are you guys?

Winter. Van. Alaska.

People keep asking what I’m gonna do in my van when it’s forty below. The truth is, I’m a plan-as-I-go sort of person. In other words: I dunno. This is what I do know: I’ve been in the van down to twenty below before, but just for a couple weeks, and been fine. Also, when… Continue reading Winter. Van. Alaska.

Categorized as Van Living


Some from the last few days, some from the whole summer. Alaska mountain love: This was a really big dog/wolf track. That’s the shadow of both my legs, and its that wide. An old cookstove and kids dogsled: Squatter cabin all overgrown with rhubarb: Fireweed (makes bright life from ashes and then falls into a… Continue reading Pictures

Categorized as Pictures!