I just manifested wi-fi

I am sitting here in my relative’s driveway. They go to bed early (well, midnight) and I don’t. This is good, because I get plenty of time for Bro snuggles and dulcimer playing and stuff in the dark quiet. This is a driveway with no wi-fi. Trust me, I’ve checked. So, I’m sitting here watching… Continue reading I just manifested wi-fi

Seven Things

CK over at Divine Purpose tagged me with this meme. I’m supposed to tell you seven things you don’t need to know about me. Here goes: 1. I’ve been wearing the same pair of socks for a couple weeks now. They’re wool, and wool doesn’t smell bad even when it’s dirty 2. I own one… Continue reading Seven Things

Hobos I have loved, v.4

We were driving through Montana in the bus when I saw him coming down out of a hill ahead of us. It was a pretty steep hill, and he was using his walking stick to keep upright, a big canvas pack on his back. The pack was what caught my attention. It was one of… Continue reading Hobos I have loved, v.4

Categorized as stories


aquinas never understood why he masturbated every morning with those devil women witches in his head. if he would have heard us in her truck at midnight on the steel city overpass proving the pi fibbonaci sequence in the spiraling of hips, in the serpent woman dance of the ancients, he would have seen god… Continue reading Davka

The Patriotic Gunman

A while ago I was talking with some people about the pop culture image of the strip club as underworld, and someone asked if I’d ever been afraid in a strip club. There’ve been plenty of times when I couldhave been afraid, when someone followed me from the club, pushed boundaries too hard, or went… Continue reading The Patriotic Gunman

Here I Am, Canning

Katie’s asleep next to me, making cute little noises and mumbles. A little while ago she started humming. “Katie, are you awake?” I asked, and she just kept humming, with a couple snores interspersed. Then she rolled over, lifted her sleeping bag straight into the air, and announced something dramatic without ever opening her lips.… Continue reading Here I Am, Canning

Are You Armed?

We got up sooo early this morning and laid in the dirt for a while, getting really grounded, before I drove Katie to the hospital. Hospitals are normally really un-grounding places for me, but this one wasn’t too bad. I attribute this to the huge graveyard across the street, where me and Bro went to… Continue reading Are You Armed?

Herbs For Very Beginners

Back in that who are you thread, a few of you asked about herbs. What to do if you are at the very, very begining. This is not a good time to be at the very begining, because things are not exactly green and growing in most of the world. That said, here is a… Continue reading Herbs For Very Beginners

Categorized as Wild Food

The Story of Bro

A while ago Kate wrote the story of Mutt, and she asked me about how I got Bro. It’s a story that runs all together with a bunch of other stories, and they’re hard to untangle. It’s something like this, though. I was living nights in the all hour study area at the University. It… Continue reading The Story of Bro

Categorized as stories