
I woke this morning feeling like a fairy tale princess in my big fluffy down bed. The sun had been shining in the windshield for hours, and it was hot enough that I’d mostly pushed the blankets off in my sleep. The blankets were behind me, stuffed from bed to ceiling along the wall, and… Continue reading Driving

Materia Medica: Chickweed

I love, love, love chickweed. I always have. When I was a kid and we didn’t have any food in the house, I would make salads with chickweed and dandelion flowers and pretend that I could save the world from starvation. For years and years I didn’t think of chickweed at all, or eat it.… Continue reading Materia Medica: Chickweed

Categorized as Wild Food

I Was Chosen

I said back in the post about the customer with a gun that I’d tell you about the other time I was scared in a strip club. Here it is. I was running so late. It was back when I was going to school, running a business, advocating for kids, and dancing a state away… Continue reading I Was Chosen

Categorized as Stripping