Stripping as Pure Capitalism

I realised on my way here that I wasn’t going to make it in time to get a stripper license, so I slowed down. Cooked liver and onions, played with Bro. Why rush? I got into town just after dark, and established myself in a good parking spot at the local truckstop. Since I’m probably… Continue reading Stripping as Pure Capitalism

Categorized as Stripping

Little Big Things

First, keep sending healing to Davka’s mom, please. And to Davka, who is breaking open and growing and being superhumanly grown up right now. Second… while I was in that little hippie city, I did a photo shoot with a really incredible photographer. Now I have some really beautiful artistic pictures of me in the… Continue reading Little Big Things

I fixed it

I’m gonna fix it more later, but in the meantime if you see anything out of wack (besides the obvious sidebar stuff and about page pic), please let me know.

Yummy Van Foods

I realized today how often I photograph my food. I just like food so much, and I get proud of all the good food I make. Here’s what I had for breakfast yesterday. Have I mentioned I love my 12 volt pan? Just put the salmon in, drive a couple exits, flip the salmon and… Continue reading Yummy Van Foods

Categorized as Pictures!