Strippers I Have Loved, v6

I didn’t write anything yesterday. Or today. I meant to write something after work, but now I just want to go to sleep. Here’s something I wrote a while ago, kind of un refined. “Hey! It’s her! It’s fucking her!” I leaned out the window long enough to see the flash of a gun and… Continue reading Strippers I Have Loved, v6

Categorized as Stripping

The State Of The Blog

So, dear readers, I am asking for your advice, networking, and questions, and I’m going to throw it all into one post. 1. Do you read a magazine/website/anthology/whatever where my writing would fit? I want some quick credits to put in a book proposal, but slow responding markets that give me mad writer cred are… Continue reading The State Of The Blog

Where I am…

Where I am a girl got fired last week for selling bad coke. Would it have been okay if it was good coke, I asked the manager. The sugar was the problem, she explained to me. The girl had sold him a five first, and it was baby powder. The guy went out and did… Continue reading Where I am…

Vibrator Review: Iris

Isn’t it beautiful? This is definitely the peak of my Vibe Review experience so far. The Iris has two different vibratey things in it – one at the tip, and one at the base. It’s got all kinds of controls, too. There’s a vibration strength control, so you can choose the intensity of the vibration.… Continue reading Vibrator Review: Iris

Stripping: Stage

I’ve been dancing with Davka and showing her some things, which makes me realize that I know some things. So, dear world, let me tell you some things about dancing on stage. Walk out slowly. Strike a pose or a cute look somewhere in the middle back of the stage. As you’re doing it, look… Continue reading Stripping: Stage