John and Rose Nomads live in a van, and have been for twenty something years. Check it out. (I am so youtube motivated now. I wanna make a vid of the inside of my van, which will be awkward and bumpy cause my webcam is built into the laptop.)
Month: April 2008
Best Breakfast Ever
1 big glob of yoghurt 1 chopped up bananna 1 tablespoon home canned wild picked Alaskan bluberries some blueberry juice 1 big handful cacao nibs 1 big handful flax seeds
Tax Time!
If you haven’t already, it’s time to pay taxes!
Southern Stripping
I get hired simply by walking in the door and announcing that I want to dance. The door girl turns and calls to the manager at the bar. She strolls over, bleach blond with dark roots that match her thick black eyeliner, and looks me up and down. I grin and twirl. “When d’ya wanna… Continue reading Southern Stripping
Send energy, Reiki, light, prayers, and good stuff to Davka’s mom.
I’ve been henna’ing lately. My hair, my skin, other peoples skin. This is the logo for locally grown veggies here, and I put it on Possum. I’m south. South east, I mean. I’ve never been here before. It’s hot and humid. People are friendly and a little different than I’ve ever been around. Tonight I’m… Continue reading Pics!
Chocolate + Fat = Brain Food
Yesterday I was driving down the road with a huge headache and realized I had been fantasising about brownies and fatty meat and milkshakes for a couple hours. I never do that. Like, sometimes I have an impulse for Thai food, but if I don’t follow up on it I forget about it in a… Continue reading Chocolate + Fat = Brain Food
I woke this morning feeling like a fairy tale princess in my big fluffy down bed. The sun had been shining in the windshield for hours, and it was hot enough that I’d mostly pushed the blankets off in my sleep. The blankets were behind me, stuffed from bed to ceiling along the wall, and… Continue reading Driving
Materia Medica: Chickweed
I love, love, love chickweed. I always have. When I was a kid and we didn’t have any food in the house, I would make salads with chickweed and dandelion flowers and pretend that I could save the world from starvation. For years and years I didn’t think of chickweed at all, or eat it.… Continue reading Materia Medica: Chickweed
Book Review: Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
I read this book and fell so in love with Daniel Quinn. I don’t know how I managed to go through life for so long without having read it, except that everyone always talks about it as something to read before Derrick Jensen, and I thought, why read what leads up to what I’ve already… Continue reading Book Review: Ishmael by Daniel Quinn