Vote vote vote!

You guys! Today is the last day of voting and I still need 75 votes! Vote! It’s quick and easy, I promise!

I am rich in car parts.

There’s another reason I love this club, besides how it doesn’t discriminate against old women, fat women, transgendered women, or any other kind of women. It’s the only place in the world I’ve traded lap dances for fish, caribou meat, and mechanical labour. Hopefully, I’ll add car parts to that list tonight. Two guys came… Continue reading I am rich in car parts.

Categorized as Stripping

Vote for me!!!

Vote for me in the bloggers choice awards! I only need 100 votes (by friday), to be on the front page!

On the road again!

After a week of school I quickly reverted to my previous sleeping habits and slept till noon. Then I had some crates and water bottles to set up, laundry to do at my mom’s, stuff like that. We watched a movie, “Catch Me If You Can,” about this kid who runs away from home and… Continue reading On the road again!

Categorized as Van Living